Tell Me How it Ends

typography - editorial

After reading this compelling story that was centered around the Immigration Crisis at the border, I decided to design the book to resemble a case file. I wanted to provide the reader the opportunity to read and discover so that they might find a conclusion of their own. I wanted them to tell ME how it ends. I focused on the different levels that a reader might pass through this book. At the largest level I have a quote from the author that summarizes the entirety of the book in a few sentences broken up and placed in large, red type between each chapter. At the smallest level, I have a tiny red tick mark that runs along the bottom of the page that creeps its way from the left to the right as the story unfolds to represent the journey the children take abroad “Le bestia” from their homes to America. There are also little documents sewn in for the reader to find as they read. Sometimes it's a police report, sometimes it is a photo that the child had in their pocket from their journey.



